Hail Storms in Summer days

Nearly everyone welcomes the warm, sunny days of summer. But with summer come thunderstorms, bringing tornadoes, flash floods, and hail. Although tornadoes and flash floods are dramatic by-products of thunderstorms, hail can be far more devastating to property and crops.
Hail is formed in huge cumulonimbus clouds, commonly known as thunderheads. When the ground is heated during the day by the sun, the air close to the ground is heated as well. Hot air, being less dense and therefore lighter than cold air, rises and cools. As it cools, its capacity for holding moisture decreases. When the rising, warm air has cooled so much that it cannot retain all of its moisture, water vapor condenses, forming puffy-looking clouds. The condensing moisture releases heat of its own into the surrounding air, causing the air to rise faster and give up even more moisture.

NCAR scientist Nancy Knight holds a hailstone that fell in Coffeyville, Kansas, in 1970. The largest hailstone ever documented, it weighs 0.75 kilograms (1.67 pounds), and spans 14.4 centimeters (5.67 inches).
Cumulonimbus clouds contain vast amounts of energy in the form of updrafts and downdrafts. These vertical winds can reach speeds over 176 kilometers (110 miles) per hour. Hail grows in the storm cloud's main updraft, where most of the cloud is in the form of "supercooled" water. This is water that remains liquid although its temperature is at or below 0 degrees Celsius (32 degrees Fahrenheit). At temperatures higher than -40 degrees C (-40 degrees F), a supercooled water drop needs something on which to freeze, or it remains liquid. Ice crystals, frozen raindrops, dust, and salt from the ocean are also present in the cloud. On collision, supercooled water will freeze onto any of these hosts, creating new hailstones or enlarging those that already exist.
Cross sections of hailstones often reveal layers, much like those of an onion. These layers are caused by the different rates of accumulation and freezing of supercooled water, as the hailstone forms. When there is a great deal of supercooled liquid in the air through which the hailstone falls, water accumulates faster than it can freeze, so a coat of liquid forms. This becomes a layer of clear ice when it does freeze. When a hailstone falls through air with a smaller amount of liquid, the liquid freezes on contact with the hailstone, forming small air bubbles in the opaque layers. The more supercooled water a hailstone makes contact with, the larger and heavier the stone is likely to become. When the hailstone becomes so heavy that the updraft can no longer support it, it falls from the sky.
Hail falls along paths scientists call hail swaths. These vary from a few square acres to large belts 16 kilometers (10 miles) wide and 160 kilometers (100 miles) long. Swaths can leave hail piled so deep it has to be removed with a snow plow. In Orient, Iowa, in August 1980, hail drifts were reported to be 2 meters (6 feet) deep. On 11 July 1990, softball-sized hail in Denver, Colorado, caused $625 million in property damage, mostly to automobiles and roofs. Forty-seven people at an amusement park were seriously injured when a power failure trapped them on a Ferris wheel and they were battered by softball-sized hail.
Hail also does a great deal of damage to crops. U.S. costs run into hundreds of millions of dollars annually. While hailstones have been found weighing as much as 0.75 kilograms (1.67 pounds), even much smaller hail can destroy crops, slicing corn and other plants to ribbons in a matter of minutes. Farmers cope with the hail hazard by purchasing insurance. Illinois farmers lead the United States in crop-hail insurance, spending more than $600 million annually. However, U.S. hail is most common in the area where Colorado, Nebraska, and Wyoming meet, known as "Hail Alley." Parts of this region average between seven and nine hail days a year.Today, farmers seek monetary compensation for hail damage, but in the past, farmers had no recourse when their crops were destroyed. They were left to their own ingenuity to try to suppress hail. In the 14th century, people in Europe attempted to ward off hail by ringing church bells and firing cannons. Hail cannons were especially famous in the wine-producing regions of Europe during the 19th century, and modern versions of them are still used in parts of Italy.
After World War II, scientists across the world experimented with cloud "seeding" as a means of reducing hail size. In Soviet Georgia, scientists fired silver iodide into thunderclouds from the ground. Such methods supposedly stimulated the formation of large numbers of small hailstones, which would melt before they reached the ground, but comparable experiments performed in Switzerland and the United States did not confirm Soviet theory.
While hail suppression continues to elude scientists, sophisticated radar has been developed that can detect the presence of hail before it falls to the ground. Eventually, warnings may be issued as much as 15 minutes before hail strikes, allowing pilots to avoid threatening air space, people to seek shelter, and property to be protected.

Snow and Ice Storms, el niño, Cyclone, Blizzard

"Snowstorm" redirects here. For other uses, see Snowstorm (disambiguation).
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A winter storm is an event in which the dominant varieties of
precipitation are forms that only occur at cold temperatures, such as snow or sleet, or a rainstorm where ground temperatures are cold enough to allow ice to form (i.e. freezing rain). In temperate continental climates, these storms are not necessarily restricted to the winter season, but may occur in the late autumn and early spring as well. Very rarely, they may form in summer, though it would have to be an abnormally cold summer, such as the summer of 1816 in the Northeast United States of America. In many locations in the Northern Hemisphere, the most powerful winter storms usually occur in March[citation needed] and, in regions where temperatures are cold enough, April.

1 Snow - 2 Wintry showers or wintry mixes
3 Freezing rain storms and ice storms
4 See also - 5 References
Snow Approaching winter storm in Salt Lake City.
Snowstorms are storms where large amounts of snow fall.
Snow is less dense than liquid water, by a factor of approximately 10 at temperatures slightly below freezing, and even more at much colder temperatures. Therefore, an amount of water that would produce 0.8 in. (2 cm.) of rain could produce as much as 8 in. (20 cm.) of snow. Two inches of snow (5 cm.) is enough to create serious disruptions to traffic and school transport (because of the difficulty to drive and maneuver the school buses on slick roads). This is particularly true in places where snowfall is uncommon but heavy accumulating snowfalls can happen (e.g., Atlanta, Seattle, London, Dublin, Canberra, Vancouver and Las Vegas. In places where snowfall is common, such as Utica, Detroit, Denver, Ottawa, Montreal, Quebec City, Chicago, Toronto and Minneapolis, such small snowfalls are rarely disruptive, because winter tyres are used, though snowfalls in excess of 6 in. (15 cm.) usually are. A massive snowstorm with strong winds and other conditions meeting certain criteria is known as a blizzard. A large number of heavy snowstorms, some of which were blizzards, occurred in the United States during the early and mid-1990s, and the 1993 "Superstorm" was manifest as a blizzard in most of the affected area. Large snowstorms could be quite dangerous: a 6 in. (15 cm.) snowstorm will make some unplowed roads impassible, and it is possible for automobiles to get stuck in the snow. Snowstorms exceeding 12 in. (30 cm.) especially in southern or generally warm climates will cave the roofs of some homes and cause the loss of power. Standing dead trees can also be brought down by the weight of the snow, especially if it is wet or very dense. Even a few inches of dry snow can form drifts many feet high under windy conditions. Snowstorms are usually considered less dangerous than ice storms. However, the snow brings secondary dangers. Mountain snowstorms can produce cornices and avalanches. An additional danger, following a snowy winter, is spring flooding if the snow melts suddenly due to a dramatic rise in air temperature. Deaths can occur from hypothermia, infections brought on by frostbite, car accidents due to slippery roads, fires or carbon monoxide poisoning due to alternative heating methods after a storm causes a power outage, or heart attacks caused by overexertion while shoveling heavy wet snow.
Wintry showers or wintry mixesA typical view of a winter storm. Main article: Rain and snow mixed Many factors influence the form precipitation will take, and atmospheric temperatures are influential as well as ground conditions. Sometimes, near the rain/snow interface a region of sleet or freezing rain will occur. It is difficult to predict what form this precipitation will take, and it may alternate between rain and snow. Therefore, weather forecasters just predict a "wintry mix". Usually, this type of precipitation occurs at temperatures between -2 °C and 2°C (28°F and 36°F). For example, in 2008, a small snowstorm hit the major Australian city of Sydney. Although the city itself did not receive the wintry mix, surrounding suburbs above 200 m received graupel (a form of snow/ice pellet-type precipitation). This was the first recorded snowfall in the city limits in the 21st century. Freezing rain storms and ice storms. Main article: Ice storm
Coated in ice, power and telephone lines sag and often break, resulting in

power outages. Plants wrapped in 6 mm (0.2 in.) of ice. Severe ice storms, which may occur in the spring, can kill plant life.
Crabapple covered in icy glaze due to freezing rain.
Heavy showers of
freezing rain are one of the most dangerous types of winter storm. They typically occur when a layer of warm air hovers over a region, but the ambient temperature is near 0 °C (32 °F), and the ground temperature is sub-freezing. A storm in which only roads freeze is called a freezing rain storm; one resulting in widespread icing of plants and infrastructure is called ice storm.
While a 10 cm (4 in.) snowstorm is somewhat manageable by the standards of the northern
United States and Canada, a comparable 1 cm (0.4 in.) ice storm will paralyze a region: driving becomes extremely hazardous, telephone and power lines are damaged, and crops may be ruined. Because they do not require extreme cold, ice storms often occur in warm temperature climates (such as the southern United States) and cooler ones. Ice storms in Florida will often destroy entire orange crops.
Notable ice storms include an
El Niño-related North American ice storm of 1998 that affected much of eastern Canada, including Montreal and Ottawa, as well as upstate New York and part of New England. Three million people lost power, some for as long as six weeks. One-third of the trees in Montreal's Mount Royal park were damaged, as well as a large proportion of the sugar-producing maple trees. The amount of economic damage caused by the storm has been estimated at $3 billion Canadian.
The Ice Storm of December 2002 in
North Carolina resulted in massive power loss throughout much of the state, and property damage due to falling trees. Except in the mountainous western part of the state, heavy snow and icy conditions are rare in North Carolina.
Ice Storm of December 2005 was another severe winter storm producing extensive ice damage across a large portion of the Southern United States on December 14 to 16. It led to widespread power outages and at least 7 deaths.
In January 2005
Kansas had been declared a major disaster zone by President George W. Bush after an ice storm caused nearly $39 million in damages to 32 counties. Federal funds were provided to the counties during January 4-6, 2005 to aid the recovery process
The January 2009 Central Plains and Midwest ice storm was a crippling and historic ice storm. Most places struck by the storm, saw 2" or more of ice accumulation, and a few of inches of snow on top it. This brought down power lines, causing some people to go without power for a few days, to a few weeks. In some cases, some didn't see power for a month or more. At the height of the storm, more than 2 million people were without power.
The February 2009 UK and Ireland snow storms was a series of very strong snow storms that swept over much of the UK and much of Eastern Ireland where up to 22 inches were recorded in areas around south eastern parts of the UK. Eastern Ireland was also badly affected, with the Dublin Suburbs being severely affected by up to 8 inches of snow, the nearby Wicklow Mountain Range received up to a foot of snow.
See also Ice storms often coat many surfaces, such as trees
Comprehensive discussion of weather related terms, such as Winter Storm Warning :
Severe weather terminology (United States)
Severe weather terminology (Canada)
Winter storms of 2006-07
Winter storms of 2007-08
Winter Storm Warning
Winter Storm Watch
Winter Weather Advisory
Heavy snow warning
Ice Storm Warning
Snow Advisory
Cold wave
Siberian Express

Lighting Storms

Contrary to the common expression, lightning can and often does strike the same place twice, especially tall buildings or exposed mountaintops. Cloud-to-ground lightning bolts are a common phenomenon—about 100 strike Earth’s surface every single second—yet their power is extraordinary. Each bolt can contain up to one billion volts of electricity.
This enormous electrical discharge is caused by an imbalance between positive and negative charges. During a storm, colliding particles of rain, ice, or snow increase this imbalance and often negatively charge the lower reaches of storm clouds. Objects on the ground, like steeples, trees, and the Earth itself, become positively charged—creating an imbalance that nature seeks to remedy by passing current between the two charges.
A step-like series of negative charges, called a stepped leader, works its way incrementally downward from the bottom of a storm cloud toward the Earth. Each of these segments is about 150 feet (46 meters) long. When the lowermost step comes within 150 feet (46 meters) of a positively charged object it is met by a climbing surge of positive electricity, called a streamer, which can rise up through a building, a tree, or even a person. The process forms a channel through which electricity is transferred as lightning.
Some types of lightning, including the most common types, never leave the clouds but travel between differently charged areas within or between clouds. Other rare forms can be sparked by extreme forest fires, volcanic eruptions, and snowstorms. Ball lightning, a small, charged sphere that floats, glows, and bounces along oblivious to the laws of gravity or physics, still puzzles scientists.
Lightning is extremely hot—a flash can heat the air around it to temperatures five times hotter than the sun’s surface. This heat causes surrounding air to rapidly expand and vibrate, which creates the pealing thunder we hear a short time after seeing a lightning flash.
Lightning is not only spectacular, it’s dangerous. About 2,000 people are killed worldwide by lightning each year. Hundreds more survive strikes but suffer from a variety of lasting symptoms, including memory loss, dizziness, weakness, numbness, and other life-altering ailments.

Tornadoes most killer wind

are vertical funnels of rapidly spinning air. Their winds may top 250 miles (400 kilometers) an hour and can clear-cut a pathway a mile (1.6 kilometers) wide and 50 miles (80 kilometers) long. Twisters are born in thunderstorms and are often accompanied by hail. Giant, persistent thunderstorms called supercells spawn the most destructive tornadoes.These violent storms occur around the world, but the United States is a major hotspot with about a thousand tornadoes every year. "Tornado Alley," a region that includes eastern South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, northern Texas, and eastern Colorado, is home to the most powerful and destructive of these storms. U.S. tornadoes cause 80 deaths and more than 1,500 injuries per year. A tornado forms when changes in wind speed and direction create a horizontal spinning effect within a storm cell. This effect is then tipped vertical by rising air moving up through the thunderclouds.
The meteorological factors that drive tornadoes make them more likely at some times than at others. They occur more often in late afternoon, when thunderstorms are common, and are more prevalent in spring and summer. However, tornadoes can and do form at any time of the day and year.
Tornadoes' distinctive funnel clouds are actually transparent. They become visible when water droplets pulled from a storm's moist air condense or when dust and debris are taken up. Funnels typically grow about 660 feet (200 meters) wide. Tornadoes move at speeds of about 10 to 20 miles (16 to 32 kilometers) per hour, although they've been clocked in bursts up to 70 miles (113 kilometers) per hour. Most don't get very far though. They rarely travel more than about six miles (ten kilometers) in their short lifetimes. Tornadoes are classified as weak, strong, or violent storms. Violent tornadoes comprise only about two percent of all tornadoes, but they cause 70 percent of all tornado deaths and may last an hour or more. People, cars, and even buildings may be hurled aloft by tornado-force winds—or simply blown away. Most injuries and deaths are caused by flying debris. Tornado forecasters can't provide the same kind of warning that hurricane watchers can, but they can do enough to save lives. Today the average warning time for a tornado alert is 13 minutes. Tornadoes can also be identified by warning signs that include a dark, greenish sky, large hail, and a powerful train-like roar.
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Hurricane Forescat Revised El niño Potential Grow

Hurricane Forecast Revised as El Nino Grows
Willie Drye for
National Geographic News
June 4, 2009
The Atlantic
hurricane season just began Monday, and already forecasters are tweaking their predictions.
With an El Niño looking increasingly likely later this summer, Colorado State University meteorologists lowered their hurricane forecast this week.

Jet Stream Shifts May Spur More Powerful Hurricanes
"Super Storms, No End in Sight" in National Geographic Magazine
Lightning Warns of Hurricanes' Most Intense Moments?
Forecasters Phil Klotzbach and William Gray now predict 11 named tropical storms will form in the Atlantic Basin in 2009.
Five of the storms should be hurricanes, meaning they'd have sustained winds of at least 74 miles (119 kilometers) an hour. Two of the hurricanes should be major hurricanes, with winds of at least 111 miles (179 kilometers) an hour, they said in a statement.
In April, Klotzbach and Gray
had predicted 12 tropical storms, 6 hurricanes, and 2 major hurricanes. An average Atlantic hurricane season, which ends each year on November 30, sees about ten tropical storms, six hurricanes and two major hurricanes. (See hurricane pictures.) How El Niño Tames Hurricanes An El Niño is an unusually warm flow of Pacific waters that in some summers forms off the northern coast of South America. The phenomenon causes a band of upper-level prevailing winds known as the jet stream to move southward. Blowing over the Atlantic Basin, which includes the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico, the jet stream creates wind shear—changes in upper-level wind speed or direction—which can disrupt hurricane formation, said Rusty Pfost, meteorologist in charge of the National Weather Service office in Miami. The last El Niño formed in 2006, and that summer's hurricane season was uneventful for the U.S. Gulf and Atlantic coasts. Why an El Niño Looks More Likely Now Meteorologist Jeff Masters, producer of the Weather Underground Web site, said waters in the equatorial eastern Pacific have been steadily warming all year, and this makes it more likely that an El Nino will form. "As of this week, it's right at the threshold of El Niño conditions," Masters said. "If it stays the way it is for three months, it will be classified an El Niño." Still, the National Weather Service's Pfost noted, powerful hurricanes sometimes form in otherwise uneventful seasons. Hurricane Andrew, the third most powerful recorded storm to make U.S. landfall, formed in the quiet summer of 1992. "It only takes one storm like Andrew to make it a bad hurricane season," Pfost said.

Dynamic Storm Clouds

Air France Crash Site in Breeding Zone for Storms?
Ker Than for
National Geographic News
June 2, 2009. Searchers scouring the Atlantic Ocean for evidence of an Air France crash have spotted debris off northern Brazil's coast (map) possibly belonging to the doomed Flight 447. The cause of Air France Flight 447's disappearance on Sunday is still unknown, but experts speculate the plane may have encountered turbulence and thunderstorms as it flew from Rio de Janeiro to Paris.
The plane's flight path took it through a tough-to-navigate breeding zone for thunderstorms near the Equator known as the intertropical convergence zone, or ITCZ. Air France Crash Caused by Tall, Dynamic Storm Clouds?
Northern and southern trade winds crash into each other in the globe-encircling ITCZ. By pushing warm, buoyant equatorial air upward, the convergence helps fuel the zone's almost unceasing series of thousands of small storms.
"You have one thunderstorm building and another dying. It's a constant evolution of things happening," said Larry Cornman, an atmospheric scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Colorado.
Modern jets typically outmaneuver storms, often flying above thunderclouds.
But the storm clouds in the ITCZ can merge to create towering thunderclouds whose upper reaches are higher than most commercial planes fly.
And because the storm clouds cover an area of hundreds of square miles, it's often not practical for pilots to fly around the storms.
"So what they do is typically try to weave their way through without getting into a thunderstorm," Cornman said. High Tech Little Help to Air France Flight 447?
Making matters worse, radar is of limited use in the ITCZ.
Air turbulence and strong winds often don't show up strongly, even in areas of pervasive radar coverage, and the ITCZ is not one of those areas.
"You don't have radar [towers] out there on the ground, and there aren't enough aircraft flying through there to get meteorological reports," Cornman said.
Another potential tool, satellite imagery, doesn't have sharp enough resolution or quick enough updates for pilots to make snap decisions, he added.
In such situations, pilots often rely on one another for real-time weather reports, explained Thomas Anthony, director of the Aviation Safety and Security Program at the University of Southern California. "Pilot reports, or 'pireps,' tells other pilots what's going on. That's where you get your reports about whether turbulence is moderate, light, or severe," Anthony said. But the ITCZ limits the value of pireps as well, Cornman said. "The thunderstorms are very dynamic. Even if someone flew through there ten minutes earlier, if you fly even 20 miles [30 kilometers] to the side of where they were, the conditions could be totally different," he said. While the ITZC can be treacherous for pilots, thunderstorms alone were probably not enough to cause Air France Flight 447 to crash, experts say. "Almost never is an aircraft accident due to a single failure," Anthony said.
"The thunderstorm may have presented the most immediate cause, but we will find there were contributing factors that led up to it and allowed this to occur."

Mysterious Storms Explained

"Thundersnow" Facts: Mysterious Storms Explained
Christine Dell'Amore
National Geographic News
March 3, 2009
The late-winter snowstorm that blanketed much of the eastern U.S. on Sunday and Monday packed some serious sound and fury—emphasis on sound.
Along with the snow clouds, a rare and little-known phenomenon known as thundersnow rumbled over parts of
Georgia and South Carolina.
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Cloud Pictures
Thundersnow—when thunder and lighting occur during a snowstorm—most often appears in late winter or early spring, experts say.
That's because the ingredients for thundersnow—a mass of cold air on top of warm, plus moist air closer to the ground—often come together during that time.
What Causes Thundersnow Thundersnow starts out like a summer thunderstorm, Market said. The sun heats the ground and pushes masses of warm, moist air upward, creating unstable air columns. As it rises, the moisture condenses to form clouds, which are jostled by internal turbulence. The "tricky part" for making thundersnow, Market said, is creating that atmospheric instability in the wintertime. For thundersnow to occur, the air layer closer to the ground has to be warmer than the layers above, but still cold enough to create snow—a very precise circumstance. In the recent southern U.S. thundersnow storms, for instance, the atmosphere became unstable enough that thunderstorms with rain developed. Those storms then moved north where the air was below freezing, said Howard Silverman, a National Weather Service senior forecaster in Sterling, Virginia. The thundersnow events were also coupled with "pretty decent snowfall rates," at the rapid clip of more than two inches (five centimeters) an hour, Silverman said. Heavier snowfall is usually linked to thundersnow, both experts agreed.